I've been contemplating this mini series for a while.
I'm caught in the middle of the most
difficult, yet growing season of my life so far, & I
have a deep need to be reflective on what I'm learning
through it all. I firmly believe that
no discipline seems
pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it
produces a harvest of righteousness & peace for those
who have been trained by it. [Hebrews 12:11] If I do
indeed believe these words, I must be
trained by what
I've experienced & will experience in order to find myself
admidst a harvest of
righteousness & peace.
With that said, I'm going to embark on documenting
what I've learned through a season of brokenness. It
is my hope not to dwell on the process of how I got here,
but rather on what foundational changes I'll take with me from
here on out. I have never grown so deeply, so quickly in my
life & I feel like it would be foolish to not acknowledge what
it is that has changed me. There will be a day when this particular
season is over in my life, & I want to forever be reminded of
where I once was. It is also my hope that this list continues to grow.
What I've learned in brokenness:
We are a process.
There is a need for emotional vulnerability.
Being broken connects one to another.
Brokenness yields opportunity for new things.
Nothing is wasted.
It is easy to keep yourself from healing.
As often as possible I'll work through each of these,
creating an
Ebenezer of sorts, where I can say
"Thus far, the Lord has helped me."