Monday, May 13, 2013

The rebirth of a vision

Back in August, I wrote this. To date, that entry was one of the hardest I've ever written.
Not only was the actual writing part hard for me, but realizing that something
I knew God had given me was left to die just plain hurt.  Writing that post was humbling at best, & even as I allowed the words to be typed by my fingers, I refused to fully believe that what I was writing was true. Looking back now, I think I was just too stubborn to admit that the plan I was constructing for my life might not have been the best, right one. I remember telling my friend about a vision I had regarding my future. He said, "The only way to know that a prophecy is true is if it comes to be. I know that's not what you want to hear, but you'll make yourself crazy unless you fully surrender it & be patient."I didn't realize it then, but that was the beginning of a long, tiresome battle of learning to wait. I'm fairly certain it's a lesson I'll be learning most of my life. 

Despite the wisdom I was receiving at the time, I wrote that blog post, but simultaneously kept my heart hardened. It did feel good to admit, in some sense, that I had been wrong, kind of how it ultimately feels good to apologize & tell someone that you're sorry. It's a painful kind of good, the relief you feel once you recognize that you aren't in control. However, I think I held onto hope that ultimately my plan, my vision, my idea of my future would prevail. 

That blog post inspired conversation with a few different people. 
I received emails, texts, and a couple messages about how I was not alone in the process 
of realizing that sometimes, visions just die. I was told stories of heartbreak & triumph, 
the birth of passions, & the dissolving of dreams. Suddenly, my
struggle to surrender to a bigger plan didn't leave me feeling so alone. Again, this was
the beginning of a much bigger lesson I'd take with me for the next season of life. 
For the first time, I realized that people actually read this thing. 
That was both exciting & terrifying to know.

Sometime between August and now, I finally surrendered that vision. 
I realized that there is a season for everything in life & a time for all things. 
But as I sat at a coffee shop Thursday morning, I realized that the entirety of the plan
I had for myself wasn't untrue at all. Sure, the details of where I thought I'd be on this day
are much different than I envisioned them when I first gained that glimpse of my future. 
But Thursday, I saw the redemption of the heart of that vision: that my future was promising
& exciting & so different from what I originally thought, but so equally beautiful.
 There was life to be found in that old vision, albeit the details had changed.
It was a beautiful realization to see all of that come full circle. 

It was like I was realizing, for the first time that death is never permanent. 
It always give birth to new life. Life always wins. 

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