Monday, October 22, 2012

What I've learned [Part 3]

I've had a hard time blogging lately because I've been so busy &
exhausted with school. But I wanted to finish what I started, which is
reflecting on the things I've learned from this season of life. This season
I had my heart broken, lived through a devastating forest fire, 
 moved accross the country, & followed my dream of becoming an 
occupational therapist by starting school in Nashville, TN. 

Being broken connects one to another. 

This lesson is one of the most apparent & probably
the one that I've experienced as the most fruitful since I've
lived in Nashville. One of the biggest lies you can believe when 
you're hurting is that you're unique-there's not a chance anyone understand
what you're going through. But what I've learned in this season of life is not
only that brokenness is common to all, but also that deep relational
development is born from vulnerability & brokenness. Since I've been in 
Nashville, I've made friends that I would never have bonded with had we  
not shared the common experience of deep hurt & brokeness. I'm experiencing
a closeness with people that has taken so much longer to develop in the past
& it feels great. I have grown in my own ability to see the beauty in new 
beginnings, & I have seen my growth directly affect those who are 
hurting as well. Brokenness creates a fertile ground for restoration not
only in our own hearts, but the hearts of others. I love it. 

[If you missed part 2, read it here.]


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