Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday Thankfulness. Again.

I'm forcing myself to do this today because honestly I am not having a great day. I'm in one of those moods where I allow myself to be consumed by anxiety or stress to the point where I feel like pessimism is the easiest way to be.

[it's not.]

However, if I do one thing today that is productive, I want to it be finding ten things that I am thankful for. So here they are:

one. Breakfast date with Mickey.
[My favorite part of the week]
two. New shampoo.
three. Puppy-sitting.
four. Payday tomorrow.
five. Finishing my senior thesis. HA-LE-LU-IA.
six. Finishing my senior thesis.
[not a cop-out. I am that thankful.]
seven. Finishing a journal and starting another.
eight. Sunshine
nine. Rearranging my room.
ten. David. Studied him this week and he taught me a lot.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday Thankfulness.

1. Houston tomorrow!
2. Florida the next day!
3. 22 years of living on Sunday.
4. Sunshine.
5. Boyfriend breakfast dates.
6. Hair perfume.
7. Inner tube water polo champions!
8. Seeing parents.
9. Productivity.
10. Clarity. Sort of.

Thursdays are my favorite.