Sunday, April 10, 2011

730 days.

Friday marked two years that I have been dating Mickey. It's strange to think that we've been dating for that long, especially when I think about how much I have yet to discover about him. It's a neat thing really, how complex people are. It seems like I am constantly learning something new, seeing a new expression, or realizing something different about who he is and is becoming. It makes me wonder if this still happens to couples who have been married a long time, or if there comes a time when you know someone completely. I wonder. I wonder. I'd like to think that as dynamic creatures, our lives are never able to be totally defined. But maybe I just think that because I've been dating Mickey for 730 days, but I am still surprised, almost daily, with the intricacies that make him, him.

It makes me excited for the future when I think about the fun thing's we've already done. We've traveled to Utah, Texas, Florida, Seattle, and even the Bahamas. I've grown to love his family, and have loved watching him get to know mine. We share so much in common with our interests, but I am constantly reminded and impressed by his individuality.

We spent yesterday afternoon at the Denver Aquarium, and then had an appetizer and a couple drinks at a local restaurant and bar called City O'City.Then we headed back up to Fort Collins for dinner in Old Town. I appreciate Mickey's love for trying new things-it's one of my favorite things about him. It was a lovely night and I'm excited to see where the future takes us. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you two :) I seriously admire what you have found & pray that I might be so blessed. On another note, City O'City is a good fifteen steps or so from my home in Cap Hill, (literally - that's the corner of my block) so I hope you liked it enough to come back
