Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I've used the word whirlwind a lot,
 when describing my life lately. 
As I approached my undergraduate
graduation ceremony on Friday, 
I think deep down, I thought
 I would have a lot of questions answered. 
Questions like: 

[What's next?]
[Where am I going to live when my lease runs out?]
[What will my life look like this time next year?]

I realize it's been less than a week 
since I finished my undergraduate career, 
but the feelings of
and excitement 
that I always thought I'd feel at this moment in time
are being overshadowed by 

It's easy for me to think "when
[insert life event] happens...I'll feel content." 
But as I stand on the other side of arguably one of the most 
monumental events in my life thus far, I think I'm
starting to realize that contentment transcends my emotions. 
It's a way of choosing to live. 

I don't know what's next. 
I don't know where I'll be living when my lease runs out.
&I don't know what my life will look like this time next year. 
But I do know what I am trying for, where my hope stands, and 
that I now have some freedom to enjoy the future. 

I am content with that. 


  1. congrats on graduating! I know just how you feel... uncertainty is the worst. but He is El Shaddai [God is Sufficient}

  2. I really love this post, and I love you :)
    And I never told you post-graduation: congratulations! :)
