Sunday, July 8, 2012

It might not be the prettiest thing that you'll ever see

...but it's a new day.

It's been raining for hours. Where this rain was 2 weeks ago when 
the entire state was on fire, I'll never know. However, there is rain 
& the earth is starting to look happy again around here. 

I can't help but feel like the rain is symbolic for so much more than
watering the ground. It is the beginning of life for what was just burned
very badly. It is nourishment for what survived, & it is a softening agent
for what has solidified under the heat of the fire. 

I won't lie. This season of life has been more painful
than I could have ever imagined. Some times I just
want to say "enough is enough," & become angry because it 
doesn't seem fair that so much could be lost in such a short period of time.

But all I can hear now & have been hearing for the past 2 months is this:

"Be patient." 

There are so many things
that these 2 words could mean, but at this moment in time,
that's all I'm getting. & I refuse to try to decode what I'm not yet 
ready to understand. So until these 2 words start to make more sense,
I'll take them for face value & wait. 

1 comment:

  1. Psalm 130:5 "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, & in His Word I hope!"
    wait for the ashes to be made beautiful
    wait for His timing
    wait for the plans He has for you
