Thursday, March 14, 2013

What 24 looks like to me.

Yesterday I turned 24. Despite being one of the busier days I've
had since starting graduate school- with spring break already seeming like a distant memory-
it was a lovely day. As I sat in one of my favorite Nashville eateries with
a few good friends last night, I realized that my stomach and heart were both full. 

23 was the hardest year of my life. There were more tears cried in that 
year than any other. There were more moments of confusion, frustration, & fear
in that year than any other. There was more taken from me in that year than any other. 
But, as I reflect on the last 365 days, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the 
beauty that exists in brokenness. Sprinkled into the pain & uncertainty of this last year
were moments when my desperation for & closeness with God were the most tangible
of my whole life. There were moments of joy & feelings of unadulterated belonging that
are simply unmatched by any other year I've experienced. 

So as I contemplate what 24 looks like to me, I am excited. 
I am hopeful. 
I anticipate beauty in the messiness that will inevitably come.
I am so very thankful for another year to practice what I'm learning
& another year to love & be loved well. 

24, I'm excited for you. 

[Cupcake made by the lovely Maria. Check her out here.] 


  1. i am also excited for 24 for you. 24 was a good year for me :) it's just gotta be good for you too!! lol. love you sweet girl!

    1. I probably won't get engaged & married in the next 365 days like you did at 24, but I am very much looking forward to this year :D It's already been pretty great! Love you, Beth.
