Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pick me!

I'm back from Nashville.
I interviewed and it is officially out of my hands.
[Much to my relief-more on that later.]

Now I get to transition into a fun stage of life:

the job hunt, which I have endearingly named the
It's a strange place, searching for a non-permanent
job to hold me over until I either
start graduate school or 
move from Fort Collins. 

It isn't fun to sell myself, 
begging place after place to provide me
with very little money, doing a job 
I am overqualified for. 

I admit, I am quite spoiled
coming off my last job at 
It's easy to feel entitled.
I knew it would be hard, but I guess I thought 
it wouldn't be this hard. 

But I am still hopeful. I'm practicing being
still, enjoying my free time
and waiting. 

It's good for me, I'm sure,
but enough alone time for this girl
means I've had lots of it. 

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