Saturday, May 12, 2012


Today I said goodbye. 

I said goodbye to my home for the past 5 years.
 I said goodbye to my cute little house. 
I said goodbye to some of the best friends I've ever had.
I said goodbye to someone I never wanted to say goodbye to. 
I said goodbye to a season of life. 

It's a strange feeling; simultaneously experiencing
emotions on opposite ends of the spectrum.
To be completely heartbroken in a way I've 
never known, yet captivated by a hope that has 
never stood so strong. 

This dichotomy in my heart is tough to explain.
I don't even know if I understand it myself. 
But I do know that goodbyes are alright 
when you know that they're not forever. 

These past few years have shaped me in
huge ways. 
I cannot wait to see how these goodbyes
shape my tomorrows. 


  1. This makes me want to cry a little bit.

    1. Goodbyes and tears go hand in hand unfortunately. But they also bring new things! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. This is beautiful, Laura. Thanks for sharing!
