Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What it looks like to trust

I've been wanting to write for a few days now, 
but I've struggled to wrangle my thoughts into something
that follows a cohesive path. Since the start of school a few weeks ago, 
it seems I've struggled to do anything in an orderly fashion. For some reason,
this week has made me painfully aware of my introversion & deep need
to be alone & reflective. As I sat down tonight to grab a few silent minutes
 before starting a 14-hour-day tomorrow, I was delighted
to read the perfect encouragement for a night when I find it hard
to trust that all this busyness has a purpose:

"If you believe that I am sovereign over every aspect of your life,
it is possible to trust me in all situations. Don't waste energy regretting
the way things are or thinking about what might have been. Start at the present
moment-accepting things exactly as they are- and
search for my way in the midst of those circumstances."-Jesus Calling

Tonight, trusting Him looks just like that. Accepting things the way
they are [as disjointed & busy as they may be] & looking for Him there.
I can do that.


  1. Yeah! Blogged about the same thing ... such a good daily reminder.

    1. I love it that we're reading the same thing!
