Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Day

It's been dreary and rainy here for a week now. 
I know this is normal for parts of the world, but my
sunshine-loving Colorado soul is missing the 300+ days
of sunshine we get yearly back at home. My first thought upon
waking this morning was, 
"I think I've forgotten what the sun looks like."
I immediately realized that this was a rather melodramatic
thought. But this whole internal conversation got me thinking about 
how momentary-minded I am as a person. 

When I'm sick, it's all I know. 
When I'm stressed, I can't remember peace.
When it rains, I forget the sun. 

By midday, the sun had dissolved the clouds & everything seemed new.
I even got a short bike ride in, which I've been itching for lately. Suddenly it felt
like I hadn't just spent the last several days wishing for the sun to shine-once it came,
it was all that mattered. I've talked about it before here, but I've been thinking
a lot lately about how quickly our perspectives, emotions, & perceptions change.
I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing, or even if I need to decide one way
or the other. But I do know that I am thankful for the newness that comes
with each new day. 

1 comment:

  1. i think we need to hold onto those moments of LIGHT so that in the darkness we remember that there is LIGHT somewhere. and it WILL come some time...

    it's called HOPE.
