Friday, November 16, 2012

Changing seasons

Despite my lack of blogging about it, I am
indeed still trying to keep up with being intentionally thankful. 
It's been good for me. I've realized that as the seasons change, 
I am surprised to be confronted by things that 
I thought might be left in the past. Matters of the heart are tricky 
like that. Sometimes I think they're gone, but if I stand still 
long enough, they catch up to me. But I'm learning to allow them to catch me, 
as opposed to staying busy just for the sake of not allowing any of them 
the chance to look me in the eye.
& when I look at them head on, they don't seem so big anymore.
I am thankful that the changing of the seasons allows this perspective change. 

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you're talking about - obviously not the same situations, but the concept of trying to stay busy enough so as not to have to look them in the eye. It really doesn't work anyway, because eventually we have to confront them and let them sink in. I'm glad you've come to a place where they don't look so big anymore. =) Praying for you, Laura! Love you <3
